Chapter 17 has many revelations because Hester tells Dimmesdale who Chillingworth actually is and he is surprised because he knows that Chillingworth has been with him the whole time and he did not notice
who he actually was. Dimmesdale now knows that Chillingworth was the cause of his sufferings and is to blame for all the things that Hester and Dimmesdale have gone through. It takes a while for Dimmesdale to forgive Hester but when he does, they talk about leaving to Europe and forgetting all that happened to them. 


"They sat down again, side by side, and hand clasped in hand,
on the mossy trunk of the fallen tree. Life had never brought them a gloomier
hour; it was the point whither their pathaway had so long been tending, and
darkening ever as it stole along- and yet it enclosed a charm that made them
linger upon it, and claim another, and another, and, after all, another

This quote is important because it was the first time that Hester and Dimmesdale could be together. They had faced many problems but all of them lead to this one point in their life. This was just another moment in their
life but it didn't seem like it to them because they knew that they did not get opportunities like this everyday. 

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